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5 Things I Did to Navigate the "Terrible" & Terrific Twos

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Embracing Simplicity in Motherhood: Morning Routine Edition

When life feels chaotic and you feel the heaviness of everything going on, it can disrupt our routines or sometimes, for whatever reason, we just may not feel like doing them.

Embracing Your New Identity as a Mother

Who Am I? - Mama, have you ever asked yourself this question at any point along your motherhood journey? I have asked myself this question many times throughout mine.

Everyone Deserves Safe and Respectful Maternity Care

Violence and abuse have no place in prenatal health care or the delivery room, and yet obstetric violence occurs far too often, and disproportionately impacts Black women.

Fall Wellness: Making The Most of The Fall Season

Our bodies contain innate wisdom; they are constantly communicating with us. It is important that we slow down and be still in order to receive the messages that they are sending us.

Holding Space for Difficult Emotions - Mom Edition

Mama, on the days when it all feels like too much and you have been struggling under the weight of everything going on, please know that it is perfectly within the range of your humanity to feel this way.

How Black Mamas Can Prioritize Their Well-Being

It is now more important than ever that we as Black mothers take the time to look after our own well-being. Here are some tools that may help you navigate these difficult times.

How To Stay Focused and Organized as a Busy Mom

As mothers, we often find ourselves pulled in many different directions which can result in feeling overwhelmed, anxious, stressed out, frustrated and more. The good news is, those feelings don’t have to be our permanent states. In this blog, I will be sharing some things that have helped me move forward during those times.

How To Survive Uncertain Times: Political Protest Edition

There are lots of resources available to navigate the uncertainties around CUPE protests impacting school education and childcare.

How Your Child’s Learning is Negatively Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic

The pandemic has had a huge global impact on education at every level, but the effects can also act as a call to action.

How to Be Successful After a Setback

Have you ever made plans and then life happened and just like that, there went your plans? How did you handle those situations? Did you succumb to your circumstances or did you set yourself up for a successful comeback?